Dear friend , Now i'm getting new error invalid input syntax for type date:"" i have modified my query as suggested by u ,the query given below
**(select coalesce(V1.village_code,V2.village_code) as village_code, prev_issued, prev_recovered from (select village_code, sum (amt_issued) as prev_issued from Advance where CC_code =$P{cc_code} and issue_date < $P{fdate} and type_of_advance = 'Bank' group by village_code ) as V1 full outer join (select village_code, sum (actual_paid) as prev_recovered from Advance_recovery where CC_code = $P{cc_code} and date < $P{fdate} and type_of_advance = 'Bank' group by village_code ) as V2 on V1.village_code = V2.village_code ) as W1
full outer join
(select coalesce(V3.village_code,V4.village_code) as village_code, issued, recovered
(select village_code, sum (amt_issued) as issued
from Advance
where CC_code = $P{cc_code}
and type_of_advance = 'Bank'
and issue_date >= $P{fdate}::date
and issue_date <= $P{tdate}::date
group by village_code
) as V3
full outer join
(select village_code, sum (actual_paid) as recovered
from Advance_recovery
where CC_code = $P{cc_code}
and type_of_advance = 'Bank'
and date >= $P{fdate}::date
and date <= $P{tdate}::date
group by village_code
) as V4
on V3.village_code = V4.village_code
) as W2
on W1.village_code = W2.village_code
) as W3
) as W6 where W6.village_code = Village.code and Village.area_code = Area.code group by Area.code,**
i have also set the default value for the date type parameter and remaining parameters as string , if i remove the parameter cc_code(string type ) in where clause query reads fine without any error.the problem is when comparing both date type and string type parameter in where clause ,i did many trial and error method still i cant come out of this problem ....please help me