To implement application's GUI I would like to have all the logic to go from one form to another centralized. This GUI manager will behave as a finite state machine. Although I think I have seen this kind of implementation somewhere, I can't find a design pattern that matches with this kind of solution.
A form will look like this:
public class Login : Form
private void EnterButton_Click()
string user = loginTextBox.Text;
string password = passwordTextBox.Text;
bool isValid = SecurityManager.CheckUserLogin(user,password);
GUIManager.FormEnd(FormLogin,new LoginData(user, pass, isValid));
And the GUI manager will do something like this:
public class GUIManager
public void FormEnd(FormType type, FormData data)
switch (type)
case FormLogin:
LoginData ld = (LoginData)data;
if (ld.Valid)
Reaching this point I have the following questions: is there a desing pattern that formalizes this idea? If there is, does .NET support it somehow? If there isn't, does it sound like a good implementation idea? Thanks!