



I have TortoiseSVN installed and it works great. Would like to have an equally great interface to things hosted on Git.

  1. Is TortoiseGit as good as TortoiseSVN?
  2. Can they both be installed without much trouble? Will menus be duplicated? Will stuff be weird? Any experiences with this?

I'm running Windows 7 64-bit, if that makes any difference.

+2  A: 
  1. TortoiseGit has been rewritten in the same style as TortoiseSVN, it looks like some additions and some changes from the outside. It depends more on asking the question if Git is as goot as SVN. Seems they finished porting TortoiseGit, when I last tried it it was around 60% ported.

  2. I know that each thing that will be inserted in the system contains the word SVN, so with TortoiseGit that would be Git. They can be used next to each other, although you should watch out with the overlay icons. Just don't mix them up by using them in the same directory...

Just go and try it, nothing can go wrong. :-)

*Nothing can go wrong*.... right... :p haha. But I guess I will do that then! Really wish they would just put them all together into a nice *Tortoise* application. That would be awesome...
Different teams, and those great tools being both free is already a good start I would say ;-)
seriously, why don't the Tortoise* groups get together and build a unified product? The basics of source control are similar in all of the tools (cvs, arch, darcs, git, hg, svn, bzr, etc). I use multiple repository types already - why not have a tool adapted to supporting that? I'd rather have tools that supported urls though, such as git://, svn://, etc and launch the right tool,
Chris Kaminski
Yeah, a system that calls a plug-in for an action would be great.