Given a DataGridView that has a BindingSource set like this:
On a winform, we add a BindingSource object using the designer, called myBindingScource. Then on the Form.Designer.cs we add this to the InitializeComponents()
myBindingSource.DataSource = typeof(MyLinq.Person); //Mylinq is the autogenerated Linq Model/Diagram
Later, in the form itself we do:
myDataView.DataSource = myBindingSource;
and then we have a method that populates the Grid…
using ( myDataContext mdc = new MyDataContext() )
myDataView.DataSource = from per in mdc.person
select per;
As an aside note, I've set up the columns in Design Time, and everything shows ok. Since the LINQ 2 SQL is not returning an Anonymous, the "myDataView" is editable, and here comes the question…
Question is: how do I persist those changes?
There are dozens of events in the datagrid, and I'm not sure which one is more appropriate. Even if I try one of the events, I still don't know what is the code I need to execute to send those changes back to the DB in order to persist the changes.
I remember back in the ADO.NET DataSet days, you would do dataadapter.Update(dataset);
Also imagine that both the retrieve and the persist() are on a Business Layer and the method signature looks like this:
public void LoadMyDataGrid(DataGridView grid);
that method takes the form's grid and populates it using the LINQ2SQL query shown above.
Now I'd like to create a method like this:
public void SaveMyDataGrid(DataGridView grid); // or similar
The idea is that this method is not on the same class (form), many examples tend to assume that everything is together.