




I have an image in a div. I need to add a watermark, or basically another image, overtop the image the div. How can I do this with css? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Example code:

<div id="image">


#image {
   background:url(images/images.png) no-repeat;
+7  A: 

Are you sure you want to do watermarking on client-side? Doing so basically defeats the whole purpose of having a watermark. What you'd want to do is to server an image which already contains a watermark. Do to so, you'll have to write server-side code.

Anton Gogolev
it's not really a 'watermark', but an image that says a one word text.
+1  A: 

You could potentially use a transparent PNG to overlay two images, but you really do want to do this on the server since client-based solutions are easily defeated and don't really protect anything.

+2  A: 

Your solution:


   background:url(images/watermark.png) no-repeat; 
   width: 100px;
   height: 100px;
   position: relative;
   top: 0;
   left: 0;
   width: 100px;
   height: 100px;
   position: relative;
   top: 0;
   left: 0;


<div id="image"><img src="..." /></div>
<div id="watermark"></div>

Far better solution:

Some people couldn't break through an overlay watermark, but some people can. It's highly recommended to use something server side watermarking, e.g: the imagemagick lib.

Agree - you're not so much as watermarking the image as you are faking it with CSS. You're better off using a server side technology to truly watermark it, whether you're doing it on the fly or just batch process a directory
it's not really a 'watermark', but an image that says a one word text.
+1  A: 

Comment to previous posters: The purpose of a watermark may or may not be related to security or copyright. He might just want to make a print-out pretty, or distinguish "draft" from "final", or any of dozens of other reasons.


There are at least two ways to do this, one of which has sort of been touched-on by @erenon's answer.

To meet your requirements and use an image:

<div id="image">
    <img src="path/to/watermarking_image.png" alt="..." />

With the following CSS:

#image {
/* the image you want to 'watermark' */
height: 200px; /* or whatever, equal to the image you want 'watermarked' */
width: 200px; /* as above */
background-image: url(path/to/image/to/be/watermarked.png);
background-position: 0 0;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
position: relative;

#image img {
/* the actual 'watermark' */
position: absolute;
top: 0; /* or whatever */
left: 0; /* or whatever, position according to taste */
opacity: 0.5; /* Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera, IE >= 9 (preview) */
filter:alpha(opacity=50); /* for <= IE 8 */

This should generate something like the following:

   |              |              |
   | 'watermark'  |              |
   |              |        __    |
   +--------------+       /  \   |
   |                     (    )  |
   |               /\     \  /   |
   |              /  \     ||    |   <-- Picture. Of...something. O_o
   | /\          /    \    ||    |
   |/  \________/      \_()||_()(|

The alternative way, assuming all you want to 'watermark' with is 'one word,' is to use words:

<div id="image">
    <p>Watermark text</p>

And the following CSS:

#image {
/* the image you want to 'watermark' */
height: 200px; /* or whatever, equal to the image you want 'watermarked' */
width: 200px; /* as above */
background-image: url(path/to/image/to/be/watermarked.png);
background-position: 0 0;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
position: relative;

#image p {
/* the actual 'watermark' */
position: absolute;
top: 0; /* or whatever */
left: 0; /* or whatever, position according to taste */
opacity: 0.5; /* Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera, IE >= 9 (preview) */
filter:alpha(opacity=50); /* for <= IE 8 */

This should generate something like the following:

   |              |              |
   |  watermark   |              |
   |    text      |        __    |
   +--------------+       /  \   |
   |                     (    )  |
   |               /\     \  /   |
   |              /  \     ||    |   <-- Picture. Of...something. O_o
   | /\          /    \    ||    |
   |/  \________/      \_()||_()(|

I realise that this question was probably answered to your satisfaction, but I hope this is of some use to you, even only as general information.

David Thomas