I'm unable to find the correct DataType for inserting into EXCEL 97-2003 format. I'm able to insert but when veiwing the Excel 97-2003 document every column is coming up with Number saved as text. Even when inserting Double from C# Excel still recognizing it as numbers saved as text and asks the viewer to convert to number. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
foreach (DataRow drow in DataTable DT)
cmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO [LHOME$]([Date], [Owner], [MAKE], [BUY],
[OVERAGE], [SUM]) " + "VALUES(" + "'" + drr.ItemArray[0].ToString() + "'" + "," + "'" + drr.ItemArray[1].ToString() + "'" + "," + "'" + drr.ItemArray [2].ToString() +
Is it possible just to disable the Background error checking in Excel 2007?