I'm currently working on a page that loads several images sequentially using setTimeout and onLoad. Basically when an image finishes loading, onLoad is triggered, which starts another image loading via a setTimeout call. Unfortunately, if an image load is interrupted for some reason, such as a subsequent ajax call, onload is never called and any images left to be loaded are not loaded. Is there any way in javascript to detect this situation? I've attempted to hook into onError and onAbort (on the image tag) and neither of these seem to be called.
queuePhotos: function(options)
this.photo_urls = options.photo_urls;
this.photo_size = options.size
this.max_width = options['max_width'];
this.max_height = options['max_height'];
this.containers = options['containers'];
yd = YAHOO.util.Dom;
photo_tags = yd.getElementsByClassName('image_stub', 'div');
for( i in photo_tags )
//create new image
photo = new Image();
this.queue.push( { tag: photo_tags[i], photo: photo } );
setTimeout(photoLoader.prepareNextPhoto, 1);
prepareNextPhoto: function()
photo_tag_and_image = photoLoader.queue.shift();
YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(photo_tag_and_image.photo, "load", photoLoader.appendPhoto, photo_tag_and_image, photoLoader);
photo_tag_and_image.photo.src = photoLoader.photo_urls[photo_tag_and_image.tag.id];