



+1  Q: 

sql counting rows

I have the following table in MySQL...

CREATE TABLE `visits` (
  `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `visit` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
  `bulletin` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
  PRIMARY KEY  (`id`)

Where "visit" is the time a visit occurs, and "bulletin" is the article requested at that time.

I want to know what times are popular with my users, so I have the following query...

    count(*) as c, 
    Date_format (visit, '%l%p, %e %b %Y') as e
    date(visit) > date(now() - interval 2 day)
group by e
order by visit desc

Which returns...

c   e  
4   12PM, 27 Oct 2009  
9   11AM, 27 Oct 2009  
5   10AM, 27 Oct 2009  
2   9AM, 27 Oct 2009  
3   4PM, 26 Oct 2009  
6   3PM, 26 Oct 2009  
16  2PM, 26 Oct 2009

So far so good.

But how do I get the query to return "0" for count and the time for the missing hours? for example, I'd like the results to look something like...

c   e  
4   12PM, 27 Oct 2009  
9   11AM, 27 Oct 2009  
5   10AM, 27 Oct 2009  
2   9AM, 27 Oct 2009
0   8AM, 27 Oct 2009
0   7AM, 27 Oct 2009
0   6AM, 27 Oct 2009
0   5AM, 27 Oct 2009
0   4AM, 27 Oct 2009
0   3AM, 27 Oct 2009
0   2AM, 27 Oct 2009
0   1AM, 27 Oct 2009
0   12am, 27 Oct 2009
0   11pm, 26 Oct 2009
0   10pm, 26 Oct 2009
0   9pm, 26 Oct 2009
0   8pm, 26 Oct 2009
0   7pm, 26 Oct 2009    
0   6pm, 26 Oct 2009  
0   5pm, 26 Oct 2009
3   4PM, 26 Oct 2009  
6   3PM, 26 Oct 2009  
16  2PM, 26 Oct 2009

I could fudge this in the output code when I print the results, but I'd like the query to provide it for me, if possible.


You probably have to create fake dates in your query to accomplish this... simply fill an array with the 24 hours of the day, then only change the 0 values in the query rows loop.

+2  A: 

You should be selecting from a generated data set of all the dates & times, left joined to the table 'visits'. I don't know MySql very well, so I can't give you an example of how to generate the set of dates and times, but something like:

    count(*) as c, 
    Date_format (d.DateTime, '%l%p, %e %b %Y') as e
    GetDateSetFunction() d
    `visits` v
    ON Date_format(d.DateTime, '%l%p, %e %b %Y') = Date_format (v.visit, '%l%p, %e %b %Y') 
    date(d) > date(now() - interval 2 day)
group by e
order by d.DateTime desc

You should be able to do a union for all the sums.

select count(*) as c, Date_format (visit, '%l%p, %e %b %Y') as e
from table where 
date(visit) > date(now() - interval 2 day) 
and date(visit) < date(now() - interval 2 day + 1 hour)
group by e
select count(*) as c, Date_format (visit, '%l%p, %e %b %Y') as e
from table where
date(visit) > date(now() - interval 2 day + 1 hour) 
and date(visit) < date(now() - interval 2 day + 2 hour)
group by e
... #etc
select count(*) as c, Date_format (visit, '%l%p, %e %b %Y') as e
from table where
date(visit) > date(now() - interval 2 day + 47 hour) 
and date(visit) < date(now() - interval 2 day + 48 hour)
group by e;

The idea is you grab each hour separately, grouping them together. When there are no results for a particular time, you still get the 0 count.

I am not very familiar with the syntax details of mysql, so I've put this together as psuedo-sql. I've copied most syntax from your code, but don't know if I've missed something. I have not tested this code.

David Oneill
+1  A: 
  1. Create a table of numbers:

      `num` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
      PRIMARY KEY  (`num`)
  2. Populate the table:


    Based on your example, you'd need to run the statement ~36 times.

  3. Use the following:

       SELECT IFNULL(vd.num_visits, 0),
              DATE_FORMAT(s.gdate, '%l%p, %e %b %Y')
         FROM (SELECT DATE_ADD(@min_date, INTERVAL n.num-1 HOUR) 'gdate'
                 FROM NUMBERS n
                WHERE DATE_ADD(@min_date, INTERVAL n.num-1 HOUR) <= @max_date ) s
    LEFT JOIN (SELECT v.visits,
                      COUNT(*) 'num_visits'
                 FROM visits v
             GROUP BY v.visits) vd ON vd.visits = s.gdate
     ORDER BY s.gdate DESC

The numbers table is an old trick, used when you can't recursively generate a list of values.

If you want to use based on min/max of the VISITS table, use:

FROM (SELECT DATE_ADD(@min_date, INTERVAL n.num-1 HOUR) 'gdate'
        FROM NUMBERS n
        JOIN (SELECT MIN(t.visits) 'minv',
                     MAX(t.visits) 'maxv'
                FROM visits t) t
       WHERE DATE_ADD(t.minv, INTERVAL n.num-1 HOUR) <= t.maxv ) s
OMG Ponies
This is more or less what I've ended up doing, although my code wasn't quite as comprehensive as this.Thanks everyone for such prompt responses :)