



Good morning, I have recieved a rather odd reqeust. I currently have a report that is grouped by weeks. The customer loves the report but he would like a toggle option that would switch the view to months instead of weeks. I have never recieved this kind of request before and am not certain how to do this. Any assistance, direction, etc would be most appreciated.


My suggestion would be to prompt the user in the report to select a parameter on the weeks/month preference and then use an "IIF" in the group section of your table/matrix based on the parameter passed to group by the user selection (either Months or Weeks).

i will try that, not sure i totally follow what you are saying but i think i get it. I didn't know you could do that in the matrix group.
ok, i did the above and it worked great, but now my drill down is having issues. How would i do this: IIf(Parameters!View.Value="Week" and IIf(InScope("Week"),Fields!WeekofYear.Value,IIf(Parameters!View.Value="Month" and IIf(InScope("Week"),Fields!MonthofYear.Value, 999))))cause that doesn't work
How about trying to use a switch instead of the IIF command?Switch (boolean test, true, false)Switch (Parameters!View.Value="Week", Fields!WeekofYear.Value, Fields!MonthofYear.Value)Something along theses lines possibly?