



I have a query:

  SELECT id FROM table WHERE field1=<cfqueryparam value="#URL.field1#" 
  AND field2=<cfqueryparam value="#URL.field2#" 
  AND field3=<cfqueryparam value="#URL.field3#" 

Id is an INTEGER in MySQL, but the above query returns an Id that has not come from the table, and is not even an INTEGER, it seems to be a random BIGINT! If I remove the CFQUERYPARAM it works though...

SELECT id FROM table WHERE field1='#URL.field1#' 
        AND field2='#URL.field2#'
        AND field3='#URL.field3#';

Field1, Field2 and Field3 are all VARCHARS in the Database, but in the URL they contain "+", eg Field1=text+moretext

If I remove the "+" from the URL strings, it works fine! I'm aware the "+" is a representation of a space, if I actually type a whitespace into the URL again it works fine. It's only breaking when there is a "+" present.

What have I done wrong? Or what do I do to make CFQUERYPARAM work with "+" from the URL

+1  A: 

The Field=text+moretext in the url will come through to Url.Field1 as text moretext, because spaces in URLs can be encoded as pluses.

If you want an actual + sign in the final variable, use %2B, or apply the UrlEncodedFormat to the original link.

If this all works, then I guess the odd behaviour with the random ID may be related to the default database value when the where clause fails to match - try SELECT id FROM table WHERE 1=0 and see if you get the random ids?

Peter Boughton
Does that explain why the queries return different results with and without cfqueryparam, though?
Sixten Otto
Check my edit for a possible explanation to that.
Peter Boughton
Peter, why did you edit the cfqueryparam tags out of his question?
Sixten Otto
Running the query "SELECT id FROM table WHERE 1=0" just returns 0 rows. As I stated the only problem is when CFQUERYPARAM tags are used. What was your edit Peter? As all it seemed to do was hide the CFQUERYPARAM tags in the question
Sorry, I'm don't know what happened to those cfqueryparam tags... it wasn't deliberate! Must have been a SO or browser bug. The edit I was referring to was to my answer - the last paragraph. StackOverflow has a design feature where edits within a certain period don't leave an audit trail, so there is no indication that I added the final paragraph afterwards.
Peter Boughton
As for the problem itself... it does seem odd. Comcar, can you update the question with the MySQL table definition (i.e. `SHOW CREATE TABLE <tablename>`), and confirm what CF Admin Datasource settings you are using?
Peter Boughton
Dammit I forgot to mention this in the first place... this is why I was querying about the "+" in the URL, if I remove it, it works.