I have a basic layout where different components can be selected using a tree view and then get rendered in the main panel. This works fine for all of my components (like grids) but glitches with forms.
The first time a form is selected it is fine, as soon as you try to select it again nothing gets rendered.
The demo is available here and there is a link to the javascript at the top of the page.
The selection of a component happens in selectNode function and I have tried everything i could without much result.
Edit as Jim Barrows pointed out it would be better to instantiate a component in the create function. I have been hesitant to do that as that is a fairly major change in the my real app and I wanted to actually keep the instances around for ease of navigation between them.
Now that I have written this I realised that to do state properly I would have to store it on the server regardless in case the browser navigates to another page...
Edit I made the change to always instantiate the forms like so, it's much more extJSy now :) :
components['Form1'] = { xtype:'form', "items": [
{ "name": "Rep_ID", "allowBlank": false, "fieldLabel": "Rep" },
{ "name": "Date", "allowBlank": false, "fieldLabel": "Date", "xtype": "datefield" },
{ "name": "Time", "allowBlank": true, "fieldLabel": "Time", "xtype": "timefield"}],
"defaults": { "xtype": "textfield" }
components['Form2'] = { xtype: 'form', "items": [
{ "name": "Date", "allowBlank": false, "fieldLabel": "Date", "xtype": "datefield" },
{ "name": "Time", "allowBlank": true, "fieldLabel": "Time", "xtype": "timefield"}],
"defaults": { "xtype": "textfield" }