Please take a look at this picture:
I want to create a list container as shown in that picture. How do i do it in pygtk using glade? What is that item called?
Please take a look at this picture:
I want to create a list container as shown in that picture. How do i do it in pygtk using glade? What is that item called?
That looks like a TreeView widget.
Create the TreeView with the set_headers_visible = False. And set_rules_hit = True
Use a simple ListStore and one TreeViewColumn with a CellRendererText.
To get the scrollbar, put the TreeView inside a ScrolledWindow
To create the widget using Glade, you will need a recent version (3.6+) and a project with the GtkBuilder format. Here is a tutorial on how to create TreeViews and models using Glade 3.
Then you can load the GtkBuilder file using something like this:
builder = gtk.Builder()
builder.connect_signals({ "on_window_destroy" : gtk.main_quit })
self.window = builder.get_object("window")