I've been dealing with a bane-of-my-existence Javascript problem involving tracking when a user clicks on a link (in case you're curious, here it is: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1629158/why-does-using-targetblank-cause-javascript-to-fail).
I've figured out that I can solve the problem by tracking an onMousedown event rather than an onClick event.
I'm curious about the downsides of this approach. The ones I can think of:
- If a user clicked down on a link and then moved the mouse off the link before releasing it, then the event would be recorded even though the user hadn't visited the link
- If a user used the tab key to move the browser focus to the link and then hit enter, the click would not be recorded
Neither of these are common, so I'm not terribly worried about them.
Are there any other downsides I'm missing?