



I was looking through some code on a project of mine and thinking about all the php pages that I call with ajax that just run a simple update or insert query and it made me think. What if I could essentially run an insert or update sql query from javascript.

assuming I am using the prototype javascript framework for ajax and php on the server side.

would this work?


<script type="text/javascript">
// table is string containing table name
// fields is an array of field names
// values is an array of values
function mysql_insert(table,fields,values) {
    var sql = "INSERT INTO " + table + "(";
    for(i=0; i<fields.length; i++) {
        sql = sql + "`"+fields[i]+"`";
    sql = sql + ") VALUES (";
    // purposefully used fields array in for loop so we get matching number of values
    for(i=0; i < fields.length; i++) {
        sql = sql + "'"+values[i]+"'";
    sql = sql + ");";

    var par = 'query='+sql;
    var ajax = new Ajax.Request('sql.php',{method:'post',parameters:par,onComplete:function(res) { }});


    include('db.php');  // connect to the mysql server and select database

Obviously this is a simple example, just interested to know if this would work and I could replace the lot of small php pages that are each running a separate query?

+8  A: 

Don't do that!

It will allow anyone to do what ever he likes with your database!

He would be able to send any sql command to your database.

I wonder, if we use session (cookie) that is set after a log-in mechanism, will it still be problem?
Totally agree with Ghommey. Everything you have in javascript is visible and modifiable.
@NawaMan... yes it will be, because anyone able to login can do still anything...
Cookies won't help as there are cookie editors.
Thanks, makes sense I keep forgetting the javascript visibility thing. I'm more familiar compiled software just learning web programming in my spare time.
:-O -- So if cookie (or session) does not work? What about a regular PHP user login? Is it secure enough? If so, why different from this AJAX. If not, what can we do? Thanks in advance.
Using Firebug or a similar tool you can add javascript to any webpage and execute it. So you could login or get the cookie and than execute any command like `truncate users;` and your user table will be blank in no time..

Why don't you hide your SQL statement in your PHP ? It is very dangerous to expose your database schema to public.

Try to pass the data without field names only.

Shivan Raptor

Ghommey absolutely right. If you could afford to redesign your application architecture then I would suggest you to read Advanced Ajax: Architecture and Best Practices. It discussed ajax related security issues and how should you design your application to work with ajax and more interesting the server-side script is in PHP.

Ramiz Uddin