



I am having issues mocking an array with Rhino Mock, any direction would be great.

namespace Checks_Rhino_Mocks
    public class Check
        public Header header;
        public Detail[] details;

    public class Header
        public string Number;
        public decimal Amount;

    public class Detail
        public string Id;

    public class CheckUT
        public void CheckShouldHaveMultipleDetails()
            MockRepository mock = new MockRepository();

            Check check = mock.StrictMock<Check>();
            check.header = mock.StrictMock<Header>();
            check.details = mock.StrictMock<Detail[]>();

When creating the check details, you will probably have to do it with IEnumerable:

check.details = mock.StrictMock<IEnumerable<Detail>>();

instead of an array...

Chris Missal

You can't mock Check.details because it's not virtual. RhinoMocks, Moq, etc, can't mock non-virtual methods.

To solve this, make the field virtual:

public class Check
    public virtual Header header;
    public virtual Detail[] details;

But...and here's the real point: why are you trying to mock a Detail array? What are you trying to do, exactly? Explain what you're trying to do and we'll be able to really help you.

Judah Himango