I've been trying to automate some configuration backups on my cisco devices, i've already managed to do the script that accomplishes the task but I'm trying to improve it to handle errors too.
I think that's necessary to catch the errors on two steps, first just after the 'send \"$pass\r\"' to get login errors (access denied messages) and at the 'expect \": end\"' line, to be sure that the commands issued were able to pull the configuration from the device.
I've seen some ways to do it if you work on a expect script, but i want to use a bash script to be able to supply a list of devices from a .txt file.
data=$(date +%d-%m-%Y)
dataOntem=$(date +%d-%m-%Y -d "-1 day")
hora=$(date +%d-%m-%Y-%H:%M:%S)
for firewall in `cat /firewall/script/firewall.cisco`
VAR=$(expect -c "
spawn ssh $user@$firewall
expect \"assword:\"
send \"$pass\r\"
expect \">\"
send \"ena\r\"
expect \"assword:\"
send \"$pass\r\"
expect \"#\"
send \"conf t\r\"
expect \"conf\"
send \"no pager\r\"
send \"sh run\r\"
log_file -noappend /firewall/backup/$firewall.$data.cfg.tmp
expect \": end\"
send \"pager 24\r\"
send \"exit\r\"
send \"exit\r\"
echo "$VAR"