




Hi, just has really got me wondering if it's me there's something wrong with or what. In my previous thread I was asking how to connect the progress of lame.exe processing a wav to an mp3 file over to my own progressbar. So I was pointed in the direction of LameShell.

So I downloaded this and put it in my own Solution. And I get this error:

Operation on cross of threads are invalid: Control lstIgnored was got from another thread than the thread it was created on. Are you sure lame.exe is here:D:\Users\Administrator\Documents\Home\MB\bin\Debug

First it says there's something wrong with the handling of threads, but I've stepped into the code and it does infact create a new thread. And the lame.exe IS in the bin folder. So I loaded the LameShell source into Visual Studio and ran that one, keeping in mind to copy the lame.exe into that's bin\Debug-folder and the same thing happened.

What could be the cause of this?