I want to view a structure in the MPLAB watch window, but when I select it from the "Add symbol" drop down menu I get, "Unsupported Structure". I was hoping to look for an answer on microchip's forums, but the site seems to be down, so I thought I would test this community out. Why is the structure "unsupported"? How can I get it supported? Here is the structure I'm trying to see. Its from mchip's TCP/IP stack.
struct BSDSocket
int SocketType; // Socket type
BSD_SCK_STATE bsdState; //Socket state
WORD localPort; //local port
WORD remotePort; //remote port
DWORD remoteIP; //remote IP
int backlog; // maximum number or client connection
BOOL isServer; // server/client check
TCP_SOCKET SocketID; // Socket ID
} ; // Berkeley Socket structure
thanks in advance for your help. Brent