I have pieces of code like this in a project and I realize it's not written in a functional way:
let data = Array.zeroCreate(3 + (int)firmwareVersions.Count * 27)
data.[0] <- 0x09uy //drcode
data.[1..2] <- firmwareVersionBytes //Number of firmware versions
let mutable index = 0
let loops = firmwareVersions.Count - 1
for i = 0 to loops do
let nameBytes = ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(firmwareVersions.[i].Name)
let timestampBytes = this.getTimeStampBytes firmwareVersions.[i].Timestamp
let sizeBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(firmwareVersions.[i].Size) |> Array.rev
data.[index + 3 .. index + 10] <- nameBytes
data.[index + 11 .. index + 24] <- timestampBytes
data.[index + 25 .. index + 28] <- sizeBytes
data.[index + 29] <- firmwareVersions.[i].Status
index <- index + 27
firmwareVersions is a List which is part of a csharp library. It has (and should not have) any knowledge of how it will be converted into an array of bytes. I realize the code above is very non-functional, so I tried changing it like this:
let headerData = Array.zeroCreate(3)
headerData.[0] <- 0x09uy
headerData.[1..2] <- firmwareVersionBytes
let getFirmwareVersionBytes (firmware : FirmwareVersion) =
let nameBytes = ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(firmware.Name)
let timestampBytes = this.getTimeStampBytes firmware.Timestamp
let sizeBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(firmware.Size) |> Array.rev
Array.concat [nameBytes; timestampBytes; sizeBytes]
let data =
|> Array.map (fun f -> getFirmwareVersionBytes f)
|> Array.reduce (fun acc b -> Array.concat [acc; b])
let fullData = Array.concat [headerData;data]
So now I'm wondering if this is a better (more functional) way to write the code. If so... why and what improvements should I make, if not, why not and what should I do instead?
Suggestions, feedback, remarks?
Thank you
Just wanted to add some more information. This is part of some library that handles the data for a binary communication protocol. The only upside I see of the first version of the code is that people implementing the protocol in a different language (which is the case in our situation as well) might get a better idea of how many bytes every part takes up and where exactly they are located in the byte stream... just a remark. (As not everybody understand english, but all our partners can read code)