The following code somehow fails to notice any files with non-ASCII characters in their names (Cyrillic characters, specifically):
for (int path = 1; path < argc; path++) {
QFileInfo fi(argv[path]);
if (fi.isDir()) {
QDir dir(argv[path], "", QDir::LocaleAware, QDir::AllEntries);
qDebug() << dir.entryList();
QDirIterator it(QString(argv[path]), QDirIterator::Subdirectories);
while (it.hasNext()) {;
qDebug() << it.fileInfo().absoluteFilePath();
/* Processing; irrelevant in the context of the question */
What exactly am I doing wrong here? How should I handle QDir and QDirIterator to make them aware of Cyrillic filenames?
The system locale is en_US.UTF-8
Update: On Windows, everything works correctly.