I have an Oracle account (schema) of a remote Oracle database. By using this account I can do all kinds of operations such as: query, update, delete and add. But I can't use exp or imp. Now my question is how can I dump all the data in this remote database schema, include table, view, function, procedure, package.
You can use the package dbms_metadata.get_ddl
to generate ddl for the objects.
Read this
You can generate csv files for the data that you can load with sql*loader, or generate insert statements.
This will be a real pain. Especially when there is a tool available that does it for you : exp/expdp. You could try to use a local exp utility and try to connect to the remote database with it.
exp username/password@remotedb owner=ownername
Robert Merkwürdigeliebe
2009-10-29 10:02:07