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What’s a good book for learning F#?




F# looks cool and i'd like to read a book on it so i can see if it's worth using in my spare time, anyone got a good recommendation?

+5  A: 

If you want to really dive deep in to it then:

Expert F#

If you just want to skim stuff

Foundations of F#

Suraj Chandran
I'm undecided about Foundations of F# - I've read it and whilst it introduces the reader to all of the fundamentals of working with F# in OO, imperative and functional styles of programming, I felt myself wanting to see more "pure" functional approaches to problems and best practices in the book. I guess given that this is the beginner book, that might be too much to ask so am looking at Expert F# next. This is just my opinion though, of course :)
Russ Cam
Sounds great! (15)
Just to add, Rob Pickering is working on a new version of Foundations of F# to be known as "Beginning F#" due out in May 2010 I believe.
Russ Cam
@Russ Cam. You are right "foundations of F#" is a bit nerdy/theorotical, that's why I mentioned "If you just want to skim stuff". If you want to get through the practical and real applications of F# then maybe wanna checkout "F# for scientists". I hav'nt read it though.
Suraj Chandran
What about the new version of Expert F# (Called the definitive guide to F#)? Amazon keeps pushing back the release date.
Dave Berk
Expert F# is a decent reference. It does a good job of explaining syntax but lacks in explaining functional software design and in integrating functional / OO programming style.
Who the heck is downvoting me? I don't understand what's so wrong in my answer that someone would down vote it. Atleast you vould give the reason so I could correct it:)
Suraj Chandran
I found neither of these books very helpful for learning the language from cold -- the examples given are very bad at separating the accidents of the particular example from the general principal being explained. On the few occasions where syntax is explained it's as a throwaway remark in the middle of a paragraph about something else.
Steve Gilham
@steve, well what can i say, they are still the most selling book on F#!! Tens of thousands of people cannot be wrong :)
Suraj Chandran
+6  A: 

I think Functional Programming for the Real World is an excellent book for getting to grips with F# particularly if you already have a background in C# as it concentrates on the things which really make functional programming different. The book covers both C# and F#. It's not out yet, but the early access ebook is almost complete.

F# in Action also looks promising, but there isn't enough yet to be able to recommend it yet. Both of Suraj's suggestions are also good.

+10  A: 

As far as I know only five books on F# has been published: Foundations of F#, Expert F#, F# for Scientists, Programming F# and F# for Technical Computing

Foundations of F# Expert F# # for Scientists Programming F# # for Technical Computing

Another two is on the way: Functional Programming for the Real World and F# in Action

Functional Programming for the Real World F# in Action

Edit: Revised versions of both Expert F# (The Definitive Guide to F#) and Foundations of F# (Beginning F#) is also on the way... (thanks MichaelGG)

The Definitive Guide to F# Beginning F#

Edit 2: Functional Programming for the Real World is now (jan 2010) published...

Johan Kullbom
Also remember the update of Expert F#, The Definitive Guide to F#: http://www.apress.com/book/view/9781430224310
FP for the Real World is already available... I have a copy on my desk:)
Steve Haigh
@Steve Haigh: I actually added that information as "Edit 2" February the 4th... :)
Johan Kullbom
Oops. Sorry, so you did.
Steve Haigh
+3  A: 
Stringer Bell
that's good! that's really good!
+1  A: 

For my money, "F# for Technical Computing". Harrop's breath and depth of understanding is only surpassed by his clarity. A must have for serious F#UN.

Art Scott
+4  A: 

Currently reading Oreilly's Programming F#. This is the first book I have read on F# and I find it a well written thorough treatment of the language.


Chris Smith, the author, has a good blog on F# here. http://blogs.msdn.com/chrsmith/

+1  A: 

Let me jump in with my 2 cents. Please be careful in separation of learning the concepts of functional programming from specifics of the language implementation. F# is such a different animal so far apart form any other language in the .NET world.

The problem here is that you can do standard OOP in F#, this is extremely important for compatibility of the F# with the rest of .NET, but if this all you do you will miss so much.

In other words if you are new for functional programming start learning concepts with something more consistent - i.e. Haskell and once you have the functional legs to stand on switch to F#.

+3  A: 


I found a web-based book called The F# Survival Guide. It's a very good introduction to both functional programming and the core F# language features. It's at http://www.ctocorner.com/fsharp/book.

+3  A: 

Another F# book, popping out above the snow: Professional F# 1.0

I think it aims to attract Japanese developers (a general passion for trains exists in Japan :P).

alt text

Stringer Bell
An English description is available on Amazon (from the shameless self promotion dept). http://www.amazon.com/Professional-F-1-0-Ted-Neward/dp/047052801X
Rick Minerich