I'm a contract developer and have been for the most part of 14 years. I just took a stateside lead developer role managing a small offshore team of developers.
Strike 1 was the environment... lots of contractors slammed into a small 16'x14' room. Seating is at tables. Hardware is so-so. I was able to overcome this by using my own laptop.
Strike 2 was the actual job. After I accepted it was presented that I would be spending the first month or so writing up tech specs -- not something I've normally done as that was handled by a permanent developer. But ok... I hate it, but I can do it.
Waiting on the next pitch to see if this is strike 3. But most of the current development is done on Visual studio 2003. Yep. Not 2005, not 2008, but 2003! .NET 1.1. What?!? I have suggested repeatedly 2008 for several of its features will make the task easier. But I get the "budget" reasons, etc. etc. etc. It's not yet a "NO", but not yet a "YES" either.
Had I known 1, 2 or 3... I probably would not have accepted the position. But the market is tight here and I don't want to go 2.5 months (my last long out of work period) without a job. Jobs are not rare, but they aren't plentiful either.
So my main question. If they decide to do this in VS 2003 and I spend six months using outdated technology, have I committed career suicide? Recruiters always want to know what version of what you used on each job... and I'm an honest guy. So six months from now, having been "behind the times" instead of "staying current"... does this community think that I've hurt my career? Since there was a lot of unintentional bait and switch going on, would I be wise to seek something else ASAP? I can live with #1 and #2. #3 I'm not so sure of.
Love to hear all opinions...
P.S. This is also VB.NET instead of C#. My background was classic VB and I'm "multi-lingual", but I consider VB.NET to be a foul-ball, not a full-fledged "strike". :)
UPDATE: Installed VS2008 Express for now and started some prototyping. We'll see how it goes from there. He said he ordered my Visual Studio installation, but didn't mention the version. I then told him I'd installed VS2008 and he didn't flinch. :)!