I am writing some code to educate myself in the ways of ExtJS. I am also new to JSON so hopefully this question will be easy for you to answer. I am trying to retrieve some data from a basic web service that I have written which should be returning its results as JSON (seeing as I am new to JSON - it could be that that is broken).
The error I am getting is
SyntaxError: missing ) in parenthetical
The JSON that I am returning from my web service is
{"rows":[ { "id": "100000", "genre_name":"Action", "sort_order": "100000" } , { "id": "100002", "genre_name":"Comedy", "sort_order": "100002" } , { "id": "100001", "genre_name":"Drama", "sort_order": "100001" } ]}
My ExtJS code is as below. The loadexception
callback is where I have retrieved the JSON and error above from
var genres = new Ext.data.Store({
proxy: new Ext.data.HttpProxy({
method: 'POST',
url: 'http://localhost/extjs_training/Demo_WebService/Utility.asmx/GetGenres',
failure: function(response, options){
Ext.get('my_id').dom.innerHTML = 'Load failed: ' + response.status;
reader: new Ext.data.JsonReader({
fields: ['id', 'genre_name'],
root: 'rows'
listeners: {
loadexception: function (proxy, options, response, e) {
var result = response.responseText;
Ext.MessageBox.alert('Load failure', e + " ..... " + result);
var loadSuccess = genres.load({
callback: function(r, options, success){
Ext.get('my_id').dom.innerHTML = 'Load status: success=' + success;