I have one bit of denormalized data used for performance reasons and I'm trying to maintain the data with an NHibernate event listener rather than a trigger. I'm not convinced this is the best approach, but I'm neck deep into it and I want to figure this out before moving on. I'm getting following error:
System.InvalidOperationException : Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute.
System.ThrowHelper.ThrowInvalidOperationException(ExceptionResource resource)
NHibernate.Engine.ActionQueue.ExecuteActions(IList list)
NHibernate.Event.Default.AbstractFlushingEventListener.PerformExecutions (IEventSource session)
NHibernate.Event.Default.DefaultFlushEventListener.OnFlush(FlushEvent event)
Here's the code to make happen:
using (var tx = session.BeginTransaction())
var business = session
tx.Commit(); // error happens here
and the event listener:
public void OnPostUpdate(PostUpdateEvent @event)
var business = @event.Entity as Business;
if (business != null)
var links = @event.Session
.CreateQuery("select l from BusinessCategoryLink as l where l.Business.BusinessId = :businessId")
.SetParameter("businessId", business.BusinessId)
foreach (var link in links)
link.Location = business.Location;