I cannot reproduce your problem with Chrome. Opera, however, does indeed still print the entire outer page when trying to only print the iframe.
I have devised a workaround and although it does work mostly, it is not 100% failsafe (amongst others because Opera wraps lines for printing; I don't know how to calculate the correct height in such cases). That said, the following code works at least reasonable (using jQuery for convenience):
if ($.browser.opera) {
var ifr = $('#youriframe');
var ifrbody = ifr.get(0).contentDocument.body;
var sheet = $([
'<style type="text/css" media="print">',
'body * {',
' display: none;',
'#youriframe {',
' border: none;',
' display: block;',
' height: ', ifrbody.scrollHeight, 'px;',
' margin: 0px;',
' padding: 0px;',
' width: ', ifrbody.scrollWidth, 'px;',
Hope this helps.