I have a custom UserControl (a label and a textbox).
My problem is I need to handle the key down, key up events to navigate between controls in the form (.NET Compact Framework textbox, combobox, etc). With the controls provided by the .NET Compact Framework framework it works, but when I reach a usercontrol written by me, that control don`t get focus (the textbox inside get the focus) so from this usercontrol I cannot navigate because in the panel I don't have any control of who have focus.
A little mock up : Form->Panel->controls -> on keydown event (using KeyPreview) with a foreach I check what control have focus on the panel and pass to the next control with SelectNextControl, but no one have focus because the usercontrol don`t got focus...
I tried to handle the textbox gotFocus event and put focus to the user control, but I got an infinite loop..
Does somebody have any idea what can I do?