Hi, i have a performance problem while inserting data to sqlce.I'm reading string and making inserts to My tables.In LU_MAM table,i insert 1000 records withing 8 seconds.After Mam tables i make some inserts but my largest table is CR_MUS.When i want to insert record into CR_MUS,it takes too much time.CR_MUS has 2000 records and insert takes 35 seconds.What can be reason?I use same logic in my insert functions.Do u have any idea?I use VS 2008 sp1.
Dim reader As StringReader
reader = New StringReader(data)
cn = New SqlCeConnection(General.ConnString)
If myTransfer.ClearTables(cn, cmd) = True Then
progress = 0
cmd = New SqlServerCe.SqlCeCommand
Dim rs As SqlCeResultSet
cmd.Connection = cn
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.TableDirect
Dim rec As SqlCeUpdatableRecord
' name of table
While reader.Peek > -1
If strerr_col = "" Then
satir = reader.ReadLine()
ayrac = Split(satir, "|")
If ayrac(0).ToString() = "LC" Then
prgsbar.Maximum = Convert.ToInt32(ayrac(1))
ElseIf ayrac(0).ToString = "PPAR" Then
If ayrac(2).ToString <> General.PMVer Then
txtDurum.Text = "Wrong Version"
Exit Sub
End If
cmd.CommandText = "POCKET_PARAMETERS"
rs = cmd.ExecuteResultSet(ResultSetOptions.Updatable)
rec = rs.CreateRecord()
End If
strerr_col = myVERI_AL.POCKET_PARAMETERS_I(ayrac, cmd, rs, rec)
prgsbar.Value += 1
ElseIf ayrac(0).ToString() = "MAM" Then
If p_LU_MAM = True Then
txtDurum.Text = "LU_MAM "
cmd.CommandText = "LU_MAM"
rs = cmd.ExecuteResultSet(ResultSetOptions.Updatable)
rec = rs.CreateRecord()
p_LU_MAM = False
End If
strerr_col = myVERI_AL.LU_MAM_I(ayrac, cmd, rs, rec)
prgsbar.Value += 1
ElseIf ayrac(0).ToString = "KMUS" Then
If p_CR_MUS = True Then
cmd.CommandText = "CR_MUS"
txtDurum.Text = "CR_MUS"
rs = cmd.ExecuteResultSet(ResultSetOptions.Updatable)
rec = rs.CreateRecord()
End If
strerr_col = myVERI_AL.CR_MUS_I(ayrac, cmd, rs, rec)
prgsbar.Value += 1
end while
Public Function CR_KAMPANYA_MUSTERI_I(ByVal f_Line() As String, ByRef myComm As SqlCeCommand, ByRef rs As SqlCeResultSet, ByRef rec As SqlCeUpdatableRecord) As String
rec.SetValue(0, If(f_Line(1) = String.Empty, DirectCast(DBNull.Value, Object), f_Line(1)))
rec.SetValue(1, If(f_Line(2) = String.Empty, DirectCast(DBNull.Value, Object), f_Line(2)))
rec.SetValue(2, If(f_Line(3) = String.Empty, DirectCast(DBNull.Value, Object), f_Line(3)))
rec.SetValue(3, If(f_Line(5) = String.Empty, DirectCast(DBNull.Value, Object), f_Line(5)))
rec.SetValue(4, If(f_Line(6) = String.Empty, DirectCast(DBNull.Value, Object), f_Line(6)))
Catch ex As Exception
strerr_col = ex.Message
End Try
Return strerr_col
End Function