



Hey, I am making restful requests in my silverlight app, I want to get information that might be pushed to the page so i continously make the request to get the updated data, doing something like

Uri url = new Uri(theUrl);WebClient wc = new WebClient();  
wc.DownloadStringCompleted += RetreiveUserMessagesResponse;

My problem is, for some reason, once i make the request (and it returns some data) subsequent requests keep returning the same data and does not change! (almost like it cached the request and its saying, i did this already let me just return what i got before), when i copy the URL and put it in my browser I get the expected behavior, why is this happening when i am making the requests through the Silverlight app? Thanks for your help Daniel

+2  A: 

Looks like this is a known issue.

What it recommends for a work around is putting some random, unused parameter at the end of the URI to ensure a unique URI on each request.

Yes this workaround works..thanks for the reply