I show the list of spams from mysql in a listview, after delete I use show grid but it doesn't refresh, why ?
do http://reboltutorial.com/source/mysql-protocol.r
do http://www.hmkdesign.dk/rebol/list-view/list-view.r
window: layout [
grid: list-view 500x400 with [
data-columns: ["ID" "Author" "comment_author_IP"]
viewed-columns: ["ID" "Author" "comment_author_IP"]
data: read/custom mysql://johndoe:[email protected]/wordpress_db [
"SELECT DISTINCT COMMENT_ID, comment_author,comment_author_IP from wp_1_comments WHERE comment_approved='spam'"
Button 200x30 "Delete all spams" [
read/custom mysql://johndoe:[email protected]/wordpress_db [
"DELETE FROM wp_1_comments WHERE comment_approved='spam'"
Print "Spams deleted."
show grid ;SHOULD refresh the grid BUT DOESN'T
view/title window "All Rebol Tutorial's Spams"