




I am trying to implement a simple log server in Bash. It should take a file as a parameter and serve it on a port with netcat.

( tail -f $1 & ) | nc -l -p 9977

But the problem is that when the netcat terminates, tail is left behind running. (Clarification: If I don't fork the tail process it will continue to run forever even the netcat terminates.)

If I somehow know the PID of the tail then I could kill it afterwards.
Obviously, using $! will return the PID of netcat.

How can I get the PID of the tail process?

+1  A: 

One way would be to simply do a ps -ef and grep for tail with your script ppid

I couldn't get it using the ppid because it is detached when I fork it in a subshell. But I managed to grep it using the args param of the `ps` program.
Ertuğ Karamatlı
+4  A: 

Maybe you could use a fifo, so that you can capture the pid of the first process, e.g.:


rm -f $FIFO
mkfifo $FIFO

tail -f $1 > $FIFO &

cat $FIFO | nc -l -p 9977

kill $TAIL_PID

rm -f $FIFO
martin clayton
Yes I have tried It before. The problem about using fifo is the same: pipe never gets terminated so cat stays running even netcat terminates. Also the control stays in the cat line so it never executes kill.
Ertuğ Karamatlı
That's odd - the script above worked perfectly for me on Mac OS X. Only slight difference was that I omitted the '-p' flag for nc.
martin clayton
Maybe its a platform issue (about how to handle pipes). I'm trying it on a linux machine. thanks for your answer anyway!
Ertuğ Karamatlı
+1  A: 

Have you tried:

nc -l -p 9977 -c "tail -f $1"


Or -e with a scriptfile if your nc doesn't have -c. You may have to have an nc that was compiled with the GAPING_SECURITY_HOLE option. Yes, you should infer appropriate caveats from that option name.

Dennis Williamson
Oh, I have never thought of it. I wish it worked :)But it's still not terminating because of the nature of "tail -f"
Ertuğ Karamatlı
What about without the `-f`?
Dennis Williamson
without the -f, its OK. But I want to serve it in real time.
Ertuğ Karamatlı
+1  A: 

Finally, I have managed to find the tail process using ps. Thanks to the idea from ennuikiller.

I have used the ps to grep tail from the args and kill it. It is kind of a hack but it worked. :)

If you can find a better way please share.

Here is the complete script:
(Latest version can be found here:

if [ -z "$1" ]; then
    echo Usage: $0 LOGFILE [PORT]
    exit -1
if [ -n "$2" ]; then

TAIL_CMD="tail -f $1"

function kill_tail {
    # find and kill the tail process that is detached from the current process
    TAIL_PID=$(/bin/ps -eo pid,args | grep "$TAIL_CMD" | grep -v grep | awk '{ print $1 }')
    kill $TAIL_PID
trap "kill_tail; exit 0" SIGINT SIGTERM

while true; do
    ( $TAIL_CMD & ) | nc -l -p $PORT -vvv
Ertuğ Karamatlı
+1  A: 

Write tail's PID to file descriptor 3, and then capture it from there.

( tail -f $1 & echo $! >&3 ) 3>pid | nc -l -p 9977
kill $(<pid)