




http://www.izrada-weba.com/orso On mouseover on link "NENATKRIVENA TERASA..." submenu and image fade in together. Submenu is faded using some downloaded script and image above is fading using my code:

$(document).ready(function () {

      function () {
      function () {

When mouse is over link than image fades in, and when mouse is moved to submenu image fades out and than fades in again... I know why is that so but I don't know how to make it not fadeout when moving mouse directly from link to submenu. Are there any solutions for this?

Thanks, Ile

+3  A: 

The function stop() will stop any currently running animations on the specified element.
Try modifying your mouseover function:


There seems to be a problem with the submenu not fading in all the way (see ile's comment). This seems to me like its a jQuery bug, but I'm not sure. Maybe someone can chime in and explain why this is happening.
To get around this try using fadeTo(); it seems to produce the desired result:

$(document).ready(function () {

    function () {
    function () {
Great! Thank you, Jataro!
Hmmm, there is new problem occurring now, when moving mouse fast from link to submenu image doesn't fade in 100% and then image stays transparent even if I make moseouver again :/
Big THANKS!!! You saved me a lot of time :)