I'd like to show a single specific local business on a google map (API V3) with the associated reviews, directions etc.
Can anyone point me in the right direction for doco or code examples?
I'd like to show a single specific local business on a google map (API V3) with the associated reviews, directions etc.
Can anyone point me in the right direction for doco or code examples?
For a single known business, you can use the business's CID (customer ID) code to display the map with local info.
La Palma in San Francisco:
How do you get the CID? Do a search for the business on Google Maps and find the business in the result list. The CID will appear in the query arguments of the URL for the listing.
Note: This isn't in the Google Maps API, or documented anywhere I could find.
Cool street view too | http://maps.google.com/?cid=16753855001018446220&layer=c&t=h&z=20&cbll=37.75302,-122.410094&panoid=jn-nsgokdWNvXYRDjgqb-w&cbp=12,142.79,,0,0.54
Does anyone know How to show multiple businesses on a google map (API V3) with the associated reviews, directions etc.