Ok, I have a Grid which 'auto sizes' to a web browser. In there I have a canvas with shapes drawn onto it. What I want is for the canvas to 'stretch' to fill the page. I tried using a 'Viewbox' from the Silverlight 3 10/09 Toolkit but it does not seem to fill all the space in the grid and only works when I give it an exact pixel count.
Does anyone have any ideas?
Example XAML:
<ColumnDefinition Width="*" />
<RowDefinition Height="*" />
<toolkit:Viewbox Stretch="Fill">
<Canvas Width="617.589" Height="876.934">
<Polygon StrokeThickness="3.0" Stroke="#ff000000" Fill="White" StrokeMiterLimit="1.0" Points=" 395.320,604.854 395.320,604.854 335.696,600.207 311.449,600.365 287.188,600.504 221.110,604.854 221.110,604.854 221.110,345.832 221.110,345.832 278.372,350.370 309.237,350.320 340.106,350.279 395.320,345.832 395.320,345.832 395.320,604.854 " />
<Polygon StrokeThickness="3.0" Stroke="#ff000000" Fill="White" StrokeMiterLimit="1.0" Points=" 420.576,870.950 420.576,870.950 348.925,875.434 308.134,875.434 267.351,875.434 197.958,870.950 197.958,870.950 189.140,693.696 189.140,693.696 249.707,698.225 308.134,698.182 366.562,698.135 429.401,693.696 429.401,693.696 420.576,870.950 " />