



What is difference between Interaction design, Visual Design, Web design, UX design, UI design, UI development?

BTB, link found below answered for UI Vs UX.

+3  A: 

here is my take, hopefully it helps./

first of all lets clarify design and development

design is a conceptual work, production of a concept for a solution, a process of elimination of things that you think, feel and believe do not fit as a solution to your intended goal

development is a production of finalized specification/idea (at least in theory) or something that makes sense and close to what you are looking for (although in many cases it is not like that), basically a conversion of your design/idea into working end product

note that both things can and do in most cases coexist side by side in production of the product

now that this is out of way, visual, web, ux, ui are just sub categories of a design notion, each although based on design principal also have their own sub universes and their own sub rules and sub practices that apply directly to their respective subcategories and in many cases can propagate seemingly from on sub category to another.

from my understanding and what i have learned over the years,

interaction design (none specific to field) - concept/understanding how one/individual interacts with an entity and how to design the process of interaction of that individual with the entity. that entity can be anything you pick it to be, for example your car, or your toaster, web browser and website that you view in a browser.

visual design (none specific to field) - concept/understanding of aesthetic appeal and impact of an entity with which individual interacts/looks at

web design (field specific) - concept/understanding of an idea that is a technology(s) specific and includes aspects of multiple design concepts such as but not limited to: interaction design, visual design, user experience design, user interface design and so on

user experience design (none specific to field) - concept of designing user experience, which in turn includes visual design and interaction design plus the limitations of the field in which such design work is happening

user interface (some what specific to field) - concept of designing an interface through which user can interact with the product, gui in soft/web app or an steering wheel in a car

user interface development (none specific to field) - is a process of converting user interface design concept into functioning interface that creates physical connection between individual and product.

hope this helps

+10  A: 

Maybe just a shorter version:

  • Graphic/Visual Design: How it looks
  • Information Architecture/Design: How it's organized
  • UI Design: How it works before I touch it
  • Interaction Design: How it works after I touch it
  • Web Design: How it works in a browser
  • UX Design: How I feel about it
  • Development: Actual coding
Glen Lipka
simple n easy to understand.
I would go with "how it looks while I touch it" or perhaps "how it feels to touch it" as far as interaction design. But then that gets pretty close to your def for UX.
love the short version : )

The real issue we need to address is the differences among UI, Interaction and UX.

Here comes another WORLD FIRST IN-DEPTH DISCUSSION of such differences.

(1) UI User Interface literally means "user between face." Put simply, it means how the user "faces" the system/app and how the system/app "faces" the user. A good UI example is the old home page or first page of Google search. With one text box and one button, that UI cannot go wrong. A bad UI example is a web page where you can't easily find the link or button you need to do your job, where there are more than 3 cilcks from a place to place on the site.

With both these good and bad UIs, we can pass judgement even before we know how they work or respond. Just by the look, just by the layout and the display, we know the app/system in question is somehow right or wrong.

It's like how a store displays its items: lighting, shelf height and width, isle width and lengths etc. You don't need to know yet its prices, services, refund policy, etc. UI is thus about the surfaces.

(2) Interaction Interaction literally means "between action." Put simply, it means how the user "acts" on the system/app and how the system/app "acts" on the user. Here, I borrow heavily from the book, "The Art of Interactive Design: A Euphonious and Illuminating Guide to Building Successful Software" by Chris Crawford. He postulates that a good interaction resembles a good conversation, and that a good conversation has the 3 essentail attributes, which I will explain in the example below. He says a good interactive participant "listens," "thinks" and responds within a reasonable interval.

To carry on with the Google search example, suppose I copy Google's UI 100%. Thus, my UI at least must be as good as Google's UI.

But what about the interaction?

First, consider "listening." Suppose you intend to type in "new york mayor biography." But once you've just typed in "new york," my app clears the text box for the search, and shows what it thinks you are searching for. You have to race, type fast, type faster than my app can respond. The app isn't listening to you, the user, at all.

Second, examine "thinking." Suppose my search engine app does "listen" to you. But, it doesn't bother to "think" but responds "thoughtlessly." Suppose you type in "new york mayor biography" and you get a list of links for New York Times issues, New York real estate agents, schools in New York, museums in New York, and so on.

Third/finally, take "speed" or responsiveness. Now, suppose my search engine app does "listen" and "thinks" but takes time. It takes your input seriously, it comes up with relevant answers when it does but you have to wait from 3 to 30 minutes for the answers to any search query.

According to Chris Crawford, and as you can see from the examples, once any one of the 3 dimesnions is lacking, the quality of the interaction suffers.

It's like how a store carries out its backend functions. The same holds true for softwares.

(3) UX X stands for "experience" here. Again, let me go with an example.

To carry on with the Google search example, suppose that my UI is perfect, and that my app's interaction is fine too. In other words, suppose that my search engine app is 100% as good as current Google in terms of UI and Interaction.

Does that mean I have the same UX as Google does? Given the identical UI and the identical interaction, how can the UXs differ? Can they diifer at all?

Yes, they do. Suppose you know (actually you don't need to "know", just "feeling" or "suspecting" is enough) that I collect your IP address, your identity and your search terms, and that other people can get access to this knowledge. Whereas you use Google with relative comfort, won't you fee uneasy about your privacy while using my app? Won't you become a tad paranoid?

That's UX. Same UI, same interaction, ... yet, you "experience" different things, feelings, emotions, moods, and so on. That's UX.

It's like a store that you know or "feel" expoits child labor, that you know or "feel" pays only lip service to the green issues. Same shelves, isles, items. And same staff and services, ... yet, different experiences. It's the "experience chain," a key concept from the book, "The Experience Economy: Work Is Theater & Every Business a Stage."

Please read both books, whether you are doing games or shopping carts or malware intrusion detection.


george kyaw naing
@george kyaw naing, thanks for your time. Of course I'm not naive. But not clear about those phrases exactly. Anyway, I will read what you suggest and confirm about it here. :-)