



I am working on a charity site and was tasked with moving a WordPress site to another host from Yahoo hosting. I have done this before and thought it would be easy enough.

Before moving the site I backed up all the files and backed up the database. The files are fine, but the database backup has me stumped.

I ended up with the following file: mysqldata.2009-09-20-18-37.tar.gz

I thought I was in good shape and could just import the file using PHPmyAdmin, however, when I unzipped the file it is not a sql file at all but has the following structure:

blog mysql

Within the mysql director it has a list of files like this:

user.MYI columns_priv.frm columns_priv.MYD columns_priv.MYI db.frm db.MYD db.MYI func.frm func.MYD func.MYI host.frm host.MYD host.MYI tables_priv.frm tables_priv.MYD tables_priv.MYI user.frm user.MYD

Is there some way I can restore the database with the information in this form?


+1  A: 

Hy if you have shell acces to the server just do

`mysqldump  db_name backup-file.sql`

And restore the db in phpmyadmin.

unfortunately I do not have access to the server. Comment appreciated though.
+1  A: 

On your new database server, create the new database, e.g. CREATE DATABASE my_wordpress_blog

Copy these .MYI, .MYD and .frm files to wherever MySQL stores the files for this database, e.g. /var/lib/mysql/my_wordpress_blog/

This will probably only work if the version of MySQL on your new server is the same or newer than your old server.

Ben James
In some hosting situations, may have to get your host to put those files in the correct folder.
Ben, I think this is my best option and I will see if I can get access to those folders. Thanks.
+1  A: 

Might also consider using the WordPress Tools->Export at the old blog and Tools->Import->WordPress at the new blog.

Or installing a plugin that will create a backup you can restore from within phpMyAdmin.

My biggest challenge is that I no longer have access to the old server. The account has been closed and I am trying to rebuild the site with what I have. :(