Is this a CLR restriction or a language design decision? I tried to do it in C++/CLI, of course where it works because the need to support native c++:
public ref class Test
static Test^ operator &( Test^ msg, int& i )
i = i + 1;
return nullptr;
and then looked at the compiler omitted output:
public: static Test __gc* op_BitwiseAnd(Test __gc* msg, Int32 __gc** modopt(IsImplicitlyDereferenced __gc*) i)
i[0] += 1;
return 0;
I went further and tried to call this operator from C# project - and of course I needed to go [unsafe] to do it( I needed pointer ):
Test t = new Test();
int i = 0;
t = t & &i;
Obviously not so hard to implement for the CLR? I really miss pass by reference in operators overloading and would like to at least in light myself in why is this missing?
Why can't C# hide the ugliness behind the unsafe and pointers when we need to deal with reference variables in our operator overloads? Even if I chose to go with this ugly workaround it wouldn't work in Silverlight, where unsafe operations is not allowed...