I would recommend practicing unobtrusive Javascript. One of the key principles is separating markup from design; you want to break the view into blocks of 6, but the data your representing is still a long, continuous, list. If you create multiple lists to represent this, it would be misleading to any scripts trying to make sense of the content on your page, or specialised clients like screenreaders.
Thus, I would create a single list, and use CSS to make it appear as multiple blocks.
.newBlock { margin-top: 1em; }
var records =
[ {name: "a"},{name: "b"},{name: "c"},{name: "d"},{name: "e"},{name: "f"},
{name: "g"},{name: "h"},{name: "i"},{name: "j"},{name: "k"},{name: "l"},
{name: "m"},{name: "n"},{name: "o"},{name: "p"},{name: "q"},{name: "r"}
]; // sample data, adapted from WesleyJohnson's example
var $ul = $("<ul/>").appendTo("body");
$.each(records, function(count, record) {
var $li = $("<li/>").html(record.name).appendTo($ul);
if (count % 6 == 0) $li.addClass("newBlock");
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