



Hi, anybody use Subsonic with SQL Server CE 3.5 ? I try but get an error with Substage 2.2, error talking about PK_TABLE. My tables have primary keys and relations.

Can someone help me ?

By, Giuseppe.


I have similar problems while generating classes for tables, having foreign keys. Primary keys and foreign keys are defined correctly (as far as I can see), but SubSonic says:

ERROR: Trying to execute generate
Error Message: System.ArgumentException: Spalte '**PK_Table**' geh”rt nicht zu Tabelle OfflineProvider.
   bei System.Data.DataRow.GetDataColumn(String columnName)
   bei System.Data.DataRow.get_Item(String columnName)
   bei SubSonic.SqlCEProvider.GetTableSchema(String tableName, TableType tableType) in D:\@SubSonic\SubSonic\SubSonic\DataProviders\SqlCEProvider.cs:Zeile 612.
   bei SubSonic.DataService.GetSchema(String tableName, String providerName, TableType tableType) in D:\@SubSonic\SubSonic\SubSonic\DataProviders\DataService.cs:Zeile 631.
   bei SubSonic.SubCommander.Program.GenerateTables() in D:\@SubSonic\SubSonic\SubCommander\Program.cs:Zeile 929.
   bei SubSonic.SubCommander.Program.GenerateAll() in D:\@SubSonic\SubSonic\SubCommander\Program.cs:Zeile 788.
   bei SubSonic.SubCommander.Program.Main(String[] args) in D:\@SubSonic\SubSonic\SubCommander\Program.cs:Zeile 90.

(Ann.: Second line (German) says: Column 'PK_Table' does not belong to table OfflineProvider OfflineProvider is not a table but the provider name.

Does anyone have a solution?

Kind Regards, Jan