




I have created SQL Server 2008 cluster(TestMachine1-->Name of Computer).and i have written a c# program to retrieve all the n/w instances in the lan.

When i run the exe from TestMachine1(where SQLCluster is installed ) i am not getting the instances.when i Debug i am getting Null to the data table rows.

the same exe when i run from TestMachine2(The Machine in the same n/w but standalone machine where Sql standalone installation is there) i get the result??

i dont know what z wrong in cluster?? Cluster is successfully installed without errors and sql also installed without errors...

Here is the code:

        DataTable dt1 = SmoApplication.EnumAvailableSqlServers(false);
        Console.WriteLine("Total Rows in DataTable " + dt1.Rows.Count);
        foreach (DataRow dr in dt1.Rows)
            foreach (DataColumn dc in dt1.Columns)
                Console.WriteLine("{0} = {1}", dc.ColumnName, dr[dc]);


for cluster setup i am getting "Total rows in Datatable=0 " where as in non cluster machine i am getting "7".what is wrong ???

Any help is greately appreciated.

+1  A: 

A cluster instance is will respond to the virtual resource name is installed on, not on any of the nodes that compose the cluster.

Remus Rusanu
Yah.But in network it must show the details na based on he code?? But it gives nothing
Your firewall may block the UDP instance name discovery packet, see
Remus Rusanu
i turnoff the firewall also.then all ports are open right??
read the link, it gives more details (could be Vista, could be IPSEC)
Remus Rusanu