



I've caused myself a bit of an issue with my Data Access Layer. In this particular instance, I have a table that contains potentially 5 types of 'entity'. These are basically Company, Customer, Site, etc. The type is dictated by a PositionTypeId within the table. They're all in the same table as they all havethe same data structure; PositionId, Description and Code.

I have a main abstract class as follows:

public abstract class PositionProvider<T> : DalProvider<T>, IDalProvider where T : IPositionEntity
    public static PositionProvider<T> Instance
            if (_instance == null)
                // Create an instance based on the current database type
            return _instance;
    private static PositionProvider<T> _instance;

    public PositionType PositionType
            return _positionType;
    private PositionType _positionType;

    // Gets a list of entities based on the PositionType enum's value.
    public abstract List<T> GetList();

    internal void SetPositionType(RP_PositionType positionType)
        _positionType = positionType;


I want to then be able to put all the general code within an inherting class that is either SQL or Oracle based. This is my SQL implementation:

public class SqlPositionProvider<T> : PositionProvider<T> where T : IPositionEntity
        public override List<T> GetList()
            int positionTypeId = (int)this.PositionType;
            using (SqlConnection cn = new SqlConnection(Globals.Instance.ConnectionString))
                SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("Get_PositionListByPositionTypeId", cn);
                cmd.Parameters.Add("@PositionTypeId", SqlDbType.Int).Value = positionTypeId;
                cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
                return this.GetCollectionFromReader(this.ExecuteReader(cmd));

I've then create a class for each type as follows (this is the CustomerProvider as an example):

public class CustomerProvider
    public static PositionProvider<CustomerEntity> Instance
            if ((int)PositionProvider<CustomerEntity>.Instance.PositionType == 0)
            return PositionProvider<CustomerEntity>.Instance;

This all works fantastically... until I realised that I have certain functions that are related specifically to certain position types. I.e. I need to be able to get all Customers (which is an IPositionType) based on the user permissions.

So I need to add another abstract method:

public abstract List<CustomerEntity> GetCustomersByUserPermission(Guid userId);

Now, obviously I don't want this within my PositionProvider abstract class as that would mean that method would appear when dealing with the site/company provider.

How can I add this, and other, additional methods without having to duplicate the code within the SqlPositionProvider?


The only idea I've come up with is to separate the PositionProvider out into a common property of the CustomerProvider, SiteProvider, etcProvider:

public abstract class CustomerProvider

    public CustomerProvider()

    public PositionProvider<CustomerEntity> Common
            if (_common == null)
                DalHelper.CreateInstance<PositionProvider<CustomerEntity>>(out _common);
            return _common;
    private PositionProvider<CustomerEntity> _common;

    public static CustomerProvider Instance
            if (_instance == null)
                DalHelper.CreateInstance<CustomerProvider>(out _instance);
            return _instance;
    private static CustomerProvider _instance;

    public abstract List<CustomerEntity> GetCustomersByUserPermission(Guid userId);


This would allow me to put the specific code within CustomerProvider.Instance.MyNonGenericMethod(), and then to access the PositionProvider I could do CustomerProvider.Instance.Common.GetList()... This does seem like a bit of a hack though.

+1  A: 

The "proper" place for such a lookup method would be a Repository class. There you can collect all such query functions away from your domain objects.

Here's a small example:

public static class Repository {
    public static List<CustomerEntity> GetCustomersByUserPermission(
        PositionProvider<CustomerEntity> source, Guid userId)
        // query source and return results

Add all your "special" queries to this class.

David Schmitt
My brains already half fried from the above. Have you got a quick C# example in the above context?

How about adding something like this to your abstract class:

public IEnumerable<T> GetItems(Predicate<T> match)
    foreach (T item in GetList())
        if (match(item))
           yield return item;  

And then you should remove the SetPositionType(...) method because it's usage seems a bit awkward (you are supposed to set a position type and then call GetList()?)

So, using the method you could simply write:

customerProvider.GetItems(customer => customer.Id == someId);

(or, using the .Net 2.0 syntax)

customerProvider.GetItems(delegate(Customer c)
     return c.Id == someId;
I don't think that helps me. I have a class (CustomerProvider) that inherits from another class (PositionProvider). I want to use all the functionality from the SqlPositionProvider concrete implementation of the PositionProvider, but without having to duplicate said code within my CustomerProvider.
I'm not asking how to get the items out. I've already got all that working. I want to know how to extend my CustomerProvider whilst maintaining the PositionProvider as it is now.
+1  A: 

If I understand correctly you need a way to include some method on child classes, but not in all.

If you can group the extra methods you need, you could use an interface, implement it, and use a instance of this new class inside your children (composition).

A simplification of this is a repository pattern for all your children classes (this example does not uses interfaces).

[NOTE: code could not compile, just for demonstration proposes]

public class PositionProviderRepository
    public List<T> GetList()
            int positionTypeId = (int)this.PositionType;
            using (SqlConnection cn = new SqlConnection(Globals.Instance.ConnectionString))
                SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("Get_PositionListByPositionTypeId", cn);
                cmd.Parameters.Add("@PositionTypeId", SqlDbType.Int).Value = positionTypeId;
                cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
                return this.GetCollectionFromReader(this.ExecuteReader(cmd));
    public List<CustomerEntity> GetCustomersByUserPermission(Guid userId) {
      //TODO: implementation

And then you use this class inside the all the entities like CustomerEntity.

This could effectively replace your class SqlPositionProvider<T> but I'm not sure I understand correctly your architecture, you have a very complex hierarchy.

David Lay
I think you're understanding what I'm after, which is great... however If my SiteProvider and CustomerProvider both implemented this class, then they'd both be able to see the GetCustomersByUserPermission() method, which I obviously do not want. Or would I create a class that inherits from this and only exposes the methods I need?
Your class will be able to see this methods, but you could chose to expose them or not, see my comment on the question.
David Lay

First, .NET BCL has a nice abstraction level for different DBMSes defined in System.Data.Common. By using DbConnection instead of SqlConnection/OracleConnection, DbCommand instead of SqlCommand/OracleCommand etc you'll be able to reduce code duplication a bit (there would be gotchas, such as differencies in parameter naming but they can be overcome).

Second, IMHo it is a bad idea to build all your code around singletons. Why wouldn't you write

public class CustomerProvider
    PositionProvider<CustomerEntity> _provider;
    PositionProvider<CustomerEntity> Instance // we don't need it public really.
            if ((int)PositionProvider<CustomerEntity>.Instance.PositionType == 0)
                _provider = new PositionProvider<CustomerEntity>(); // PositionType is set in .ctor
                // we can also use a factory to abstract away DB differences
            return _provider;
    // one way of implementing custom query
    public List<CustomerEntity> GetCustomersByUserPermission(Guid userId){
        return _provider.GetListWithCriteria(Criteria.Argument("UserId", userId));

Method GetListWithCriteria can be implemented as:

public List<CustomerEntity> GetListWithCriteria(params ICriterion[] criterias){
        int positionTypeId = (int)this.PositionType;
        using (DbConnection cn = OpenConnection()) // creates DbConnection and opens it
        using (DbCommand cmd = cn.CreateCommand())
            // ... setting command text ...
            foreach(ICriterion c in criterias){
                DbParameter p = cmd.CreateParameter();
                p.DbType = c.DbType;
                p.Name = Encode(c.Name); // add '@' for MS SQL, ':' for Oracle
                p.Value = c.Value;
            return this.GetCollectionFromReader(this.ExecuteReader(cmd));

In such a way PositionProvider remains a way of abstracting away DBMS differences and CustomerProviders can built arbitrary new queries.


I've cracked it. My Inheriting class has now become the following:

public abstract class CustomerProvider : PositionProvider<CustomerEntity>

        public CustomerProvider() { }

        public new static CustomerProvider Instance
                if (_instance == null)
                    DalHelper.CreateInstance<CustomerProvider>(out _instance);
                return _instance;
        private static CustomerProvider _instance;

        public override List<CustomerEntity> GetList()
            return PositionProvider<CustomerEntity>.Instance.GetList();

        public abstract List<CustomerEntity> GetCustomersByUserPermission(Guid userId);


It has a concrete implementation as follows:

public class SqlCustomerProvider : CustomerProvider
    public override List<CustomerEntity> GetCustomersByUserPermission(Guid userId)
        using (SqlConnection cn = new SqlConnection(Globals.Instance.ConnectionString))
            SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("GetRP_CustomersByUser", cn);
            cmd.Parameters.Add("@UserId", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier).Value = userId;
            cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
            return this.GetCollectionFromReader(this.ExecuteReader(cmd));

My PositionProvider remains the same, but by calling it in the overrides in the extending CustomerProvider, it then uses the SqlPositionProvider for the provider specific code.

I can now achieve what I wanted.

// Returns a list of customers still using the PositionProvider

// Returns my specific customer data

// Returns a list of sites still using the PositionProvider

// Not part of the SiteProvider!
nice! but aren't you tired of reading/writing ".Instance" all the time? ;P
David Lay
Nah, not really. At least I know I'm always dealing with a singleton so there's no need to worry about which settings it's using. It's a small sacrifice.