




I've been Googling my butt off trying to find out how to do this: I have a Jersey REST service. The request that invokes the REST service contains a JSON object. My question is, from the Jersey POST method implementation, how can I get access to the JSON that is in the body of the HTTP request?

Any tips, tricks, pointers to sample code would be greatly appreciated.




I'm not sure how you would get at the JSON string itself, but you can certainly get at the data it contains as follows:

Define a JAXB annotated Java class (C) that has the same structure as the JSON object that is being passed on the request.

e.g. for a JSON message:

  "A": "a value",
  "B": "another value"

Use something like:

public class C
  public String A;
  public String B;

Then, you can define a method in your resource class with a parameter of type C. When Jersey invokes your method, the JAXB object will be created based on the POSTed JSON object.

public class MyResource
  public put(C c)
Unfortunately, the JSON string is basically being used more as a dictionary than as a real POJO. I'd rather not have to create a new POJO for the JSON objects.
Have you looked at using a MessageBodyReader (http://jackson.codehaus.org/javadoc/jax-rs/1.0/javax/ws/rs/ext/MessageBodyReader.html). Not tried it myself, but you might be able to get in at that level and convert the JSON stream to a map etc.
Actually it turns out that its much simpler than I thought. I can get the body of the HTTP request as a string argument, and then process it using any JSON library (currently using Google GSON) to convert the request data into local objects.

Submit/POST the form/HTTP.POST with a parameter with the JSON as the value.

@QueryParam jsonString

public desolveJson(jsonString)

I thought about doing that. It's just not quite the way I'd like to go. There are a few toolkits out there that drop the complete JSON into the actual body of the HTTP request, and I'd like to follow that pattern if possible.
really? I didn't know you could or should post a body. On a GET you can put the json in the body and I'm in total agreement with that. I wonder if you can use stackoverflow as a task tool with mylyn?