I have a .NET DLL containing functions that I can use in PHP. Though various PHP libraries are available, but I just wanted to know whether PHP supports libraries written in other languages? In future if I write a library in Ruby and want to use it with PHP, is it possible?
It is possible though I've never done it personally:
Check out this stuff: http://us.php.net/manual/en/class.dotnet.php
Update: given your need to be on a linux server I'd think you have fewer options. You could wrap the dll in a .net webservice, only expose the objects/methods/properties you need, and run the webservice using Mono. Then you could access the dll "stuff" as you would any web service.
Also ran across this project - PHP4Mono. This may be a potential approach for you.
2009-11-02 18:25:19
@brendan: My existing PHP application is hosted on Linux server. I guess using .NET DLL with the technique suggested in that link, won't work because of OS differences.
2009-11-02 18:30:44
Then why did your question ask specifically for using .net? You cannot use .net outside of a windows environment. I think this person answered your question.
Kevin Peno
2009-11-02 18:38:19
Right to use a .Net dll I'd assume you'd be on a windows server, you could wrap it in a web service and use mono I suppose.
2009-11-02 18:41:22