This is my first post on stackoverflow, hello everyone!
My first venture into jQuery animation is to have a set of images in two divs, top-half and bottom-half, and make them rotate through with a flip-down transition a-la the ancient alarm clocks with flip-down numbers.
I've got the animation down, but the problem is having more than one of these animating on the page simultaneously. My problem comes from not understanding the scope of jQuery selectors.
function flippers(divs){
$(".top_container img").each(function (j){
$(".bottom_container img").each( function(j){
var flip_wait = 3600;
function flippers_start(time,flipper){
var curr_top = '#' + $('.top_container img:visible').attr('id');
var curr_bottom = '#' + $('.bottom_container img:visible').attr('id');
if( ($('.top_container img').size() - 1) <= curr_top[3] ){
var next_top = curr_top.substring(0,3) + 0;
var next_bottom = curr_bottom.substring(0,3) + 0;
var next_top = curr_top.substring(0,3) + (parseInt(curr_top[3]) + 1);
var next_bottom = curr_bottom.substring(0,3) + (parseInt(curr_bottom[3]) + 1);
var height = $(curr_top).height();
var width = $(curr_top).width();
function flip(height,width,fromtop,frombottom,totop,tobottom){
var fliptime = 250;
window.setTimeout(function() {
when this is run on a set of images that i described,
<div class="flipper">
<div class="top_container">
<img src="images/pink_floyd_img/dark1.jpg" class="top first" />
<img src="images/pink_floyd_img/wall1.jpg" class="top second hidden" />
<img src="images/pink_floyd_img/wish1.jpg" class="top third hidden" />
<div class="bottom_container">
<img src="images/pink_floyd_img/dark2.jpg" class="bottom first" />
<img src="images/pink_floyd_img/wall2.jpg" class="bottom second hidden" />
<img src="images/pink_floyd_img/wish2.jpg" class="bottom third hidden" />
it works just the way I expect it. However when I duplicate the "flipper" div, the animation runs on the first set first, then runs on the second set, etc.
I know it has something to do with the way i'm selecting each image to animate as it happens, but I don't really know how else to do what I'm doing.
The ultimate goal is to be able to put together divs and images marked up with the proper classes and have each set dynamically id'd in order to run the animation--and also for them all to start animation simultaneously--even if they have separate calls for each div(which might end up happening so that they don't all flip at the same time).