I know the name of the table I want to find. I'm using Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 2005, and I want to search all databases in the database server that I'm attached to in the studio. Is this possible? Do I need to query the system tables?
4You can use the sp_MSforeacheachdb.
sp_MSforeachdb 'IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM sys.tables WHERE [Name] = ''TableName'') PRINT ''?''';
use master
DECLARE @db_name varchar(128) DECLARE @DbID int DECLARE @sql_string nvarchar(4000) DECLARE @TableName varchar(30)
Select @TableName = ''
set nocount on
CREATE TABLE [#tblDatabaseName] ( [DbName] [varchar] (128) NOT NULL , [TableName] [varchar] (128) NOT NULL )
declare db_cursor cursor forward_only for
FROM master..sysdatabases
WHERE name NOT IN ('northwind', 'pubs')
AND (status & 32) <> 32 --loading.
AND (status & 64) <> 64 --pre recovery.
AND (status & 128) <> 128 --recovering.
AND (status & 256) <> 256 --not recovered.
AND (status & 512) <> 512 --Offline
AND (status & 32768) <> 32768 --emergency mode.
AND DbID > 4
open db_cursor
fetch next from db_cursor into @db_name, @DbID
while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 begin
set @sql_string = ''
+' Insert into #tblDatabaseName '
+' select ''' + @db_name + ''' as ''DbName'', '
+' o.name as ''TableName'' '
+' from [' + @db_name + ']..sysobjects o with(nolock) '
+' where o.name like ''' + @TableName + ''' '
execute sp_executesql @sql_string
fetch next from db_cursor into @db_name, @DbID
deallocate db_cursor
select * from #tblDatabaseName
drop table #tblDatabaseName
sp_MSForEachDB is an undocumented proc that could do this for you. Getting the output out is a little harder so I'll leave that for you.
EXEC sp_MSForEachDB 'USE [?] IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM Sys.Objects WHERE Type = ''U'' AND Name = ''Product'') PRINT ''?'''
As above but use system function not system tables
EXEC sp_MSForEachDB 'USE [?] IF OBJECT_ID(''dbo.mytable'') IS NOT NULL PRINT ''?'''