Edit: Uhg I just realized this question was for 2.0, but I'll leave it in case you do have access to 3.5.
Just another take on the Linq thing. Now I used List<Char> instead of Char[] but that's just to make it look a little cleaner. There is no IndexOf method on arrays but there is one on List. Why did I need this? Well from what I am guessing, there is no direct correlation between the replacement list and the list of ones to be replaced. Just the index.
So with that in mind, you can do this with Char[] just fine. But when you see the IndexOf method, you have to add in a .ToList() before it.
Like this: someArray.ToList().IndexOf
String text;
List<Char> patternsToReplace;
List<Char> patternsToUse;
patternsToReplace = new List<Char>();
patternsToUse = new List<Char>();
text = "This is a thing to replace stuff with";
var allAsAndCs = text.ToCharArray()
currentItem => patternsToReplace.Contains(currentItem)
? patternsToUse[patternsToReplace.IndexOf(currentItem)]
: currentItem
text = new String(allAsAndCs);
This just converts the text to a character array, selects through each one. If the current character is not in the replacement list, just send back the character as is. If it is in the replacement list, return the character in the same index of the replacement characters list. Last thing is to create a string from the character array.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;