I am new to .NET and the Visual Studio IDE. How to I add to a form a component that lets the user browse the file system to select a certain file which will then allow me to programmatically use the selected path as a string variable?
OpenFileDialog should suit your needs. You'll probably need to put a button (or some other clickable type UI element) on the page that will pop the dialog up. Then once the user has selected a file and clicked "OK" you'll just check the response for which file was selected.
2009-11-04 01:03:14
Would you mind giving a little more detail? When I drag that dialog over, nothing actually gets placed on the form for the user to click on.
2009-11-04 01:05:44
Nevermind..sorry I should have read the contents of that link..thanks!
2009-11-04 01:06:31
this should do the trick:
string path;
OpenFileDialog file = new OpenFileDialog();
if (file.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
path = file.FileName;
the string path should now contain the selected file path
2009-11-04 01:32:44