



I have this strangest problem and I can't debug it.

I am writing a heavy JavaScript application, which spawns a popup when user uploads a file. The actual file transfer happens in the popup, which is set to be the FORM submit target.

Works in all browsers, there are no javascript errors. However, in Google's Chrome browser, when form is submitted, my entire network card device (inside my PC) gets blocked - as in - no connetion with outside world . The only way of fixing it is to Disable the hardware device, then enable it back.

I've seen Chrome acting like this at other times. It is impossible to debug this, as there are no errors, internet just stops working. Please don't tell me it's a driver issue :) It's most likely some JavaScript code that triggers something in Chrome to go beserk.

Does anyone know what gives? I am on chrome v.


Even if you wanted to do something like that with Javascript in browser, you couldn't do it. Of course there's a small chance that there's somekind of bug in Chrome which get's triggered by JS but I don't think so.

Maybe try over at . Your question isn't really programing related.

Maiku Mori
you mean superuser?
You are right, not very programing related, my bad. I just hoped programers at this site would have seen such a behaviour before me.
@Gotys, don't worry too much about it, questions in the wrong place get migrated to where they belong eventually :)
bdonlan, yes. Still haven't finished my morning coffee =(
Maiku Mori
+2  A: 
Traveling Tech Guy
Yes, it's disabled even when I close the application. I will try the Monitor, thank you for the tip!
An application could damage network driver on purpose and it would still remain damaged after the application is closed, but it's clearly not the case here.
Maiku Mori
Conceivably, an application can do everything - up to, and including formatting your drive :) Somehow, I doubt Google is in the business of causing damage (I mean, their motto is "do no evil") :)
Traveling Tech Guy
FYI - I've seen exactly the same thing, i.e. Google Chrome killing off my network adapter. Only seems to have been a problem in Windows 7 - I've stopped using Chrome now, and things are back to normal.
Mark Beaton
@Mark, which version of Chrome? Did you report a bug to Google?
Traveling Tech Guy