



in which database software / language is it possible to create a database accessible by multiple users except its two collumns to be accessed only by admin user. please give details how this database can be created.


In most DBMS like (Oracle, Mysql, SQL server...) you can grant users access to any column you want or revoke any permission.

Wael Dalloul
Column privileges cannot be granted directly in Oracle. VPD is used instead, or views.
David Aldridge
Picky, but you can grant column level INSERT and UPDATE using grant update ([column],[column]...) on [table] to [user];But that doesn't cover select.
+1  A: 

Oracle can do this using views, but the more "proper" way would be to use Column-Level Virtual Private Database with column-masking behavior, in which sensitive columns appear as null to non-privileged users.

David Aldridge
The VPD functionality requires the Enterprise Edition license. Also, although Row Level Security was introduced in the equivalent Column Level Security was new to 10gR2.
+1  A: 

Here is an example (from Oracle) of using a view to control access to shield access to some columns in a database. Note that we can further restrict which columns can be updated.

SQL> conn apc/apc
SQL> desc emp
 Name                                      Null?    Type
 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------
 EMPNO                                     NOT NULL NUMBER(4)
 ENAME                                     NOT NULL VARCHAR2(10)
 JOB                                                VARCHAR2(9)
 MGR                                                NUMBER(4)
 HIREDATE                                           DATE
 SAL                                                NUMBER(7,2)
 COMM                                               NUMBER(7,2)
 DEPTNO                                             NUMBER(2)

SQL> create or replace view v_emp as
  2  select empno, ename, job, mgr, hiredate, deptno from emp
  3  /

View created.

SQL> grant select, insert, update (job, mgr, deptno) on v_emp to a
  2  /

Grant succeeded.

SQL> conn a/a
SQL> create synonym emp for apc.v_emp
  2  /

Synonym created.

SQL> select * from emp where deptno = 10
  2  /

     EMPNO ENAME      JOB              MGR HIREDATE      DEPTNO
---------- ---------- --------- ---------- --------- ----------
      7782 BOEHMER    MANAGER         7839 09-JUN-81         10
      7839 SCHNEIDER  PRESIDENT            17-NOV-81         10
      7934 KISHORE    CLERK           7782 23-JAN-82         10

SQL> update emp set deptno = 40 where empno = 7934
  2  /

1 row updated.

SQL> insert into emp values (8000, 'APC', 'DOGSBODY', 7934, sysdate, 40)
  2  /

1 row created.

SQL> update emp set hiredate = sysdate-720 where empno = 7934
  2  /
update emp set hiredate = sysdate-720 where empno = 7934
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01031: insufficient privileges

SQL> delete from emp where empno = 7934
  2  /
delete from emp where empno = 7934
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01031: insufficient privileges


This is a relatively straightforward example because the view is one-to-one with the table and the shielded columns are optional.; If the shielded columns had been defined as NOT NULL then I would need an INSTEAD OF trigger to default or derive values on INSERT (or I would have to withold the INSERT privilege).