I'm a JSP newbie, I understand that there are some kind of taglib files as I understand they are some kind of custom defined JSP tags. Here is a snippet of javascript code which I don't understand :
Polygon.viewPoint = function( index ){
window.${ec:safeId('polygon.view')}.Point( Page.ListofPoints.elements[index], index, 100 );
Page.getProximityList( index );
Page.infoWindowLocation = Page.ListofPoints.elements[index];
The javascript question is not really that important, what I'm interested in is this part ${ec:safeId('poygon.view')}
I understand that this part is some kind of variable, and that is injected from somewhere. Probably from here <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tld/tagli-ec.tld" prefix="ec"%>
or maybe not .. can someone please explain what is with this $ after window.. what does it represent ?